
From "Be Worth Finding" on Facebook! Go to

What does your Facebook activity say about YOU?

Your online presentation of yourself in social media matters!!! Potential suitors are judging you daily. "But this is just Facebook. It doesn't matter!" FALSE!!! These days the first thing someone does is look you up. Also, most men watch a woman's behavior online for a LONG TIME before approaching offline. Always venting, complaining, friending, unfriending, blocking, unblocking, ranting, pouting and falling out with people? Yeah. We see you...

Are you the Cheerleader?

You will NEVER get the best out of a man by reminding him of what he hasn't done or can't do. If you want to encourage a man towards his best, remind him the great things he CAN and WILL do!

Men are wired to protect their cheerleaders and distance themselves from their critics. He will protect and impress his cheerleader. He will fight or ignore his critic. Just the way it is.

You ever marvel at how little boys will run around the playground leaping and jumping from the tops of anything that even looks dangerous while yelling "Look at me!!"?? Well, that instinct never really dies. It just puts on a suit and tie.

Ever pretend?

Ever pretended to understand something you really don't? I'm guilty! I nodded, tried to add input to the conversation and everything. They didn't know what I was talking about and NEITHER did I! Lol I couldn't WAIT to get out of there so I could be me again. Many of us PRETEND everyday. We act like we have it all together but if people REALLY knew our truths, they'd probably look at us differently, but so what... Pretending is hard and requires TOO much energy. God made you who you are for a reason. Quit messing up His work of art. BE YOU! You're a Natural at it! #Transparency | Relationship Coach and Author Jack A. Daniels

From "Be Worth Finding" on Facebook!  Go to

Men want PEACE in their home.

Men want PEACE in their home. It may not be "right" but it is absolute "reality"; if they cannot get it there, they will often unconsciously seek out a place where their heart and mind will find it, if only for a short time. This is sometimes (not always) the reason for affairs both emotional and physical.

Guard your home by not being a troublesome partner to your husband. Learn how he processes and communicates so you can respect his personal approach as well as his needs. Down to the very simplest issues, it is too easy to misinterpret one another and then begin reacting to our perceived ideas.

Build bridges not walls.

Find a middle ground together. Marriage= Two becoming One.

~Melissa Rich~

You want to find good husband material?

Don't look for the perfect guy because he isn't out there. Look for the guy who has visions, hopes and dreams too big to tackle alone. He's the one who will value the power that you two can have together. The content man won't appreciate you because he doesn't see any lack in his own life.

From "The Single Women" on Facebook!

How many stop signs will it take?

Your intuition IS REAL, and is a key element in the process of letting go and moving on. Don’t just hear it. Listen to it. If you sense a red flag going up in your mind, STOP, slow down, listen, reevaluate. It only takes ONE stop sign to make us stop a car, so why does it take numerous red flags to bring a relationship or situation to a halt?

Be Worth Finding | From Be Worth Finding on Facebook!

Who are you attracting?

The disconnect between what you want and who you are is keeping you from your desired end result. People can only receive what they are open and ready to receive. Many do not consider "why" they are still single. If what you are hoping for is inconsistent with who you truly are, it is likely going to take some time before you are ready to receive "that".

Choose a direction and do not divert or turn another way until you get to where you planned to go. Who you are now is who you are attracting. If you do not like what comes, dig a little deeper and ask God to search your heart. He helps us with that which we do not understand. #lifeprinciples

~Melissa Rich~

He can trust her...

Earning and keeping his trust makes you even more valuable to him because with trust comes peace. When a man is at peace in his own home, he will open wide and you will see all the benefits of being the kind of wife that God carefully designed to bring about the greatest blessings in your marriage.

Give him time and space...

There are many things he needs to work out "without" you. He needs the time and space to sort it out in his own head and heart. He needs the freedom to take his time praying about it and come to clear understanding on his own before he can bring it to you and the family.

Think of him as the CEO of a company who must in some ways prepare a plan before he presents his idea. Allow your man to take his time alone. It will pay off more than you know in the end. He is working intently for the good of his family and he feels the weight of responsibility on his shoulders.

The best you can do to alleviate some of the pressure is "be supportive" and "understanding" and "patient" and "gracious".... and PRAY for HIM.

A prayer for your future husband...

Incorporate your "husband to be" into your prayer life now (even if you do not know who he is). Not for the sake of "begging" God for one, lol... but as a "discipline" and an act of "love".

Pray for his daily decisions, pray for his associations, pray for his personal struggles, pray for his strength (internal and external), pray for his productivity, pray for his God given purpose and his alignment with it, pray for his protection, pray for provision, pray for his walk with God and most of all, pray for him...WISDOM and DISCERNMENT in ALL things. Speak LIFE and LIBERTY over him, in all things.

From Be Worth Finding on Facebook!

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