Saturday, October 16, 2010

National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Breast cancer is a disease that primarily affects women, but we also see occurances in men. While the incidence of new cases in the United States (approximately 260,000 new cases in women and 2000 cases in men, per year), the death rate from breast cancer has been declining since 1991. This decline is thought to be linked to increased awareness, earlier screening processes which in turn leads to earlier detection, and advancements in cancer treatments.

The pink ribbon is an international symbol of breast cancer awareness. It is used to express support for those who are, or have been diagnosed with breast cancer.

Many of you have seen support for this cause on your jobs, in retail stores, on TV, and even in the sports arena. The NFL league, for example, it’s coaches, game staff personnel, and players will be wearing pink for all games for the month of October to show their support and to promote breast cancer awareness.

What YOU should do:

We ask that you (especially the ladies) be diligent in monthly self exams, getting annual screenings, and encouraging your family, friends and co-workers to do the same.

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